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Ceramics-targeted info management for ongoing testing & development of bodies, glazes, engobes, etc. More..

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To SignUp: Create a personal account first, then convert it to a group.


  • We participate as an administrative team member of your group to help with project(s) or QC management.

To SignUp: Create a group account first

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Personal Group Managed
Data not erased on lapse (unless you request)
Maintain recipes, units
Do chemistry
Maintain materials
Maintain photos
Maintain firing schedules
Maintain projects
Maintain testing records
Sharing OnLine
Number of users 1 20 20+
Our oversight and training

What People Say About Us

• First, thank you for your site. I am approaching the subject from a more technical side of things rather than decorative or functional pottery but I have found the knowledge you share to be some of the most practical and useful information I have seen anywhere.

• I would like to honour my commitment to the great work you do. It is an invaluable resource! Just a huge thank you!

• Tony, I looked at Insight Live today more carefully. It is quite an accomplishment! Congrats to you!

• I'd just like to say that I love Digital Fire and I'm on here pretty much everyday. It has been soo helpful. Even though I am still leaning and exploring what I can do with the program it has been a huge help, and I believe it will be for years to come. I'm such a fan of your glaze software and tell all them members here .. what a tremendous asset it is to my practice.

• Planarity in 1200c tile May 2018

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