Account Prices

After creating an account and logging in you can recharge it by clicking (on the upper left).

Individual Account Pricing
182 days: $14.56 US
365 days: $21.90 US
720 days: $36.00 US

Terms: Immediate payment via PayPal.

Refunds: Subscription periods are final, no refunds.

Group Account Pricing
182 days: $99 US
365 days: $178.85 US
730 days: $321.20 US

Terms: You supply a purchase order to create an invoice. We expect payment in 30 days.

Features subject to in-app pricing: GHS Data Sheet generation

Currency: USD.

What people are saying about Insight-Live

• Thank you so much for your guidance and the tools you develop to help interested potters.

• Thanks, Your enthusiastic new subscriber.

• I have longed admired your website, and everything you've contributed to better understanding ceramic technology.

• I spent most of yesterday playing with the “new” (to me) version of insight on line. I love it, it is faster and eventually easier to use. And by the way, thank you for creating and maintaining the enormous data base of ceramic materials and making it available for anyone to use. What a wonderful gift to all of us interested in ceramics.

• I am doing pottery now for abut 40 years and nowhere else I could find such an extensive, complete, to the point collection of information than in Digitalfire!

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